We understand the importance of creating supplements that not only have the most efficacious formulations but also taste delicious, so you actually want to take them. Most of the time, this will mean some added sugar in the form of glucose derived from fermented corn and sucrose obtained from sugar cane. This added sugar is around 1.5-2g on average per gummy, equivalent to eating about 6 raisins or an eighth of an orange. Remember, not all sources of sugar are equal. Some sources, such as whole fruits, come with additional vitamins, minerals and fibre. So with every sugar source, you should consider what else you’re getting with it. You may be consuming a small amount of sugar with our supplements, but you’re also getting a plethora of essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals. To put this in context, our gummies contain around 10-15% of your daily RDA of sugar but with 100% (or more) of the essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals.